20 September 2019

IPSTYLE has drafted a package of agreements for the assignment of copyrights and expertise

IPStyle was approached by a Ukrainian company engaged in conducting training courses for children.

IPStyle was approached by a Ukrainian company engaged in conducting children's training courses. The client decided to promote its business on the international market and established partnerships with foreign firms. The company, as an innovator in pedagogical activities, is the owner of a number of copyright objects and has many years of experience, which had to be properly transferred (assigned) to the contractors. Our team developed a strategy that included signing two agreements, a license agreement and a service agreement, whose subjects covered the transfer of non-exclusive economic rights to copyright objects and the transfer of expertise.

First of all, we helped determine the set of objects of the client's copyright, the right to use which in the future was to be transferred to foreign contractors. The IPStyle team took into account the specifics of each object (teaching materials, methods, lesson plans, abstracts for each lesson, templates for training events, exercises, audiovisual works and video programs, the curriculum as a whole, etc.). When developing the license agreement the list of ways of use was formed taking into account the specifics of each object separately, so as not to miss the possible order of use of each of them, as well as together in their totality.

At the same time to fulfill the license agreement and transfer the company's experience to its foreign counterparts, IPStyle lawyers have developed an agreement to provide consulting services in the field of teaching.

The IPStyle team helped the company secure the transfer of non-exclusive rights to use its copyrighted curriculum, as well as teaching experience, which facilitates the safe commercialization of the client's IP rights abroad.

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