We assist businesses not only with the registration of industrial designs, but also in developing protection strategies and providing advice on all matters arising during their use. Our team has many years of experience and offers professional guidance in the following areas.
Thanks to searching, you can check the novelty of designs, ensure there are no infringements, or even assess competitors to create a new, unique design within the industry.
IPSTYLE Search includes:
An industrial design can be registered in Ukraine provided that the filed application meets the criteria for legal protection and adheres to formal requirements. Once registered, the design’s owner has a "monopoly" on its use within their market segment and holds an important and valuable intangible asset in their portfolio. The term of design protection cannot exceed 25 years.
Who should consider design registration?
If you work on and invest resources into the appearance of a product, interface, label, or shape of a product, then protecting the design you’ve created is what you need. To register a design, it must be new and original. We provide consultations from the start and analyze the design to ensure it meets the necessary requirements.
We offer a comprehensive solution that includes:
It is possible to register a design in multiple jurisdictions simultaneously through the Hague registration procedure. The system includes 98 countries, and the list is constantly expanding. To register, you only need to select the countries for protection, and we will handle the rest. What are the advantages of IPSTYLE?
One of the ways to commercialize and manage designs is through the transfer of rights or the issuance of licenses for registered objects or the transfer of rights to obtain a certificate in a specific territory. Our team of lawyers provides full support throughout the rights transfer or licensing process: from choosing the best compensation terms to advising on tax obligations, preparing agreements, and, if necessary, registering contracts. We offer a comprehensive solution that includes:
We conduct a comprehensive audit of designs to help you ensure the most efficient operation of your brand.