29 April 2021

IPSTYLE supports the patenting process of an innovative technology of a mining company

The IPSTYLE team was approached by a new client with the request to support the process of patenting an invention in several countries, including Ukraine and the U.S.

The client is a mining company engaged in the development of innovations in its field.

In order to obtain maximum legal protection for the client's invention, we:

  • drafted of a comprehensive agreement between the client and the partner on joint ownership of patent rights, use of the patent by the parties, payment of royalties and other terms of use of the patent;
  • conducted a preliminary patent search for novelty, prior art and an appropriate evaluation of the patentability of the invention by our team of technical experts;
  • developed a strategy for patenting in Ukraine and abroad, including the United States.

As of today, the client has already received two patents of Ukraine:

  • Patent #122383 for Method and apparatus for electrolytic reduction of feedstock elements in melt made from feedstock
  • Patent #123135 for Method of obtaining titanium metal alloy powders

U.S. patent applications (US 20210246564, US17005986, US17511047) are pending before the USPTO.

This case required our team to have the in-depth technical knowledge and study the technicalities of the mining industry. We are happy to have been able to provide this service to our client.

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