17 November 2021

IPSTYLE conducted patent research on PUDO-type technologies for Nova Poshta

The IPSTYLE team conducted patent research (patent landscape) on PUDO-type technologies for the leading delivery company — Nova Poshta

PUDO stands for "pick-up/drop-off." According to the "Out-of-home delivery in Europe 2021" study, PUDO points and automated postal machines (APMs) are the fastest-growing segment in the delivery (CEP) and e-commerce (e-commerce) industries.

In the interests of Nova Poshta, a leading private sector delivery company in Ukraine, the IPSTYLE team conducted patent research on PUDO-type technologies, that included:

  • patenting statistics;
  • information on key patent holders by selected parameters - leaders, outsiders, new players;
  • analytics and description of key technologies, patents (patent applications) on which the main players are working;
  • analysis of the evolution of the chosen field through the years;
  • information on highly competitive technologies and technologies gaining popularity in recent years.

The information and data obtained by the client as a result of the patent study will be applied to scale the company's innovation capabilities.

At IPSTYLE, we believe that current times are times of opportunity. The events of recent years have pushed businesses in absolutely all industries to adapt to the new normal, to look for new points of growth for their businesses. To do this you simply need to know about the trends and drivers of your industry, key innovations and the future of the market, competitors and potential partners - that is exactly the kind of information a client receives as a result of our patent research. We are proud that in such a transformational time for business the market leaders trust us in the process of finding new opportunities for development and scaling their innovation potential

comments Mariya Ortynska, IPSTYLE
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