Brands and

Turn Your Brand Into a Business Asset

If you're launching a business, bringing a new product to market or rebranding, you're definitely working on logos, slogans and unique designs.

We can help you get optimal protection for trademarks and designs, transform your marketing tools into a business asset and take care of them at every stage of protection or defense in any jurisdiction.
Chances Assessment of TM / Designs Registration

In order to assess the chances of registration we carry out preliminary searches, carry out a detailed analysis and, based on the results, select optimal protection strategies. Such preliminary searches are crucial for any business and will help to ensure that similar or identical trademarks are not registered in your market segment and that your design is novel.

TM / Design Audit

With the audit of trademarks, designs we will analyze the current protection for sufficiency and completeness, make sure there are no gaps in protection, offer opportunities to eliminate them, systematize data for better management. The main purpose of an audit is to minimize risks and losses in order to maximize profits from the brand.

TM / Design Registration

By registering trademarks and designs you get a confirmation of the uniqueness of your business or product, increase its value and position in the market, building the base for the protection of rights against infringement. We will choose the best option for registration in Ukraine and abroad, which will meet the objectives of the business and create a base for the protection of your uniqueness.

Assignment and Licensing

One of the ways to commercialize and increase profits from brands and designs is to transfer (assign) rights or license registered objects. Our team of IP lawyers will provide full support for the transfer or licensing process: from choosing the best terms of royalties, to advising and analyzing tax liabilities, preparing and, if necessary, registering agreements.

IP Strategies and Road Maps

We build IP strategies and road maps for brands and businesses that are:

  • launching new products in the market;
  • launching their own advertising campaigns;
  • planning rebranding;
  • launching into new markets.
In the developed roadmap we analyze your brands or designs, point out opportunities and appropriateness of protection, suggest the optimal protection strategy depending on the specifics of each selected country, options for budget optimization, answer other key questions for your business.

registered TMs
countries around the world
where we protect
brands and designs
TMs that we recognized
as well known in Ukraine.

*In Ukraine during the whole time
only 233 TMs have been
recognized well known.
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18 August 2021

IPSTYLE supports the client’s trademark registration in 72 countries

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02 November 2020

IPSTYLE overcame the refusal to register TM Tequila in Ukraine

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06 October 2020

IPSTYLE successfully represented the client in the process of including the word “Ukraine” in the TM

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