The IPStyle team was approached by a client who had previously applied for registration of a trademark (TM) that contained the word "Ukraine".
In Ukraine there are legislative restrictions on the state name ‘Ukraine’ use in the TM. This requires special permission from the competent authority (hereinafter - the Committee). The process is complex, time-consuming and requires proof of numerous factors, in particular, that the goods/services in respect of which the TM is to be used are valuable (in scientific, educational, industrial ways), or that the types of goods and/or services are unique only to Ukraine, etc.
In the interests of the client, the IPStyle team conducted thorough research, collected the necessary documents to prove the importance of the word ‘Ukraine’ into the client’s TM inclusion.
In the consideration process, there was an additional process of defending the interests of the client and providing an additional argument in favour of the TM and the area in which the client works significance.
As a result of almost a year of teamwork and strategies development, the positive decision as to the client’s trademark application was successfully granted as well as the decision on the word ‘Ukraine’ inclusion in the trademark.