13 October 2023

IPSTYLE conducted an audit of the client’s IP portfolio

An IP audit reviews the IP owned and used by your business. During an audit you can identify existing and potential IP assets as well as coverage and gaps in protecting your IP assets

IPSTYLE always prefers and advises to start working with each new client by conducting an IP audit. This time, our team examined all of the cosmetic brand's IP objects and collected information about the client's earlier applications and registered trademarks, creating a convenient register enabling the client to track the objects’ registration status in different countries. Thanks to the audit, it is easy to update the current statuses and see the structure of the IP portfolio. In addition to this, we also identified issues that require further action and provided workable solutions. Auditing has long been a convenient and effective catalyst for optimizing a company's business processes. An IP audit is no exception, as it should be conducted not only before a merger or IPO launching but also in the normal course of a company's operations. Even if all trademarks are already protected, they need to be constantly monitored for possible proof of use, management or any other IP actions that may be required.


Kateryna Drobysheva Kateryna Drobysheva
Partner, Head of Brands and Designs, Copyright Management Practices
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